Saturday, December 23, 2017

Immunotherapy: Miracle Drug? December 9th, 2016 - October 4th, 2017

During my last treatment of Chemotherapy I broke out in a rash due to one of the meds given. By this point it was my 6th session and things didn't seem as steady as expected for my Oncologist. So she decided to radically change my treatment protocol to a new wave of Cancer fighting meds just approved by the FDA.

You might of seen these commercials during day-time TV:

•Nivolumab (Opdivo)

My Oncologist couldn't say much about them, but she directed me to investigate more about the meds online and determine which I would want to try.

Me: "Wait! Isn't it your responsibility to know all this info and tell me what is best"?
Onc: "Well, it just got approved, and I think it's best for you to determine what you would like to intake into your body".
Me: "So you have no idea of how this will affect me physiologically..."
Onc: "You can find that information online..."
Me: "and you're charging me?"

I opted for OPDIVO since their tagline is "A chance to live longer!", albeit when reading the fine print it states that it's 3 months more than those taking traditional Chemo. But hey, Game of Thrones would premiere soon and I figured three months is all I need.

The side-effects page is a lulu too:

Honestly though, this was the best decision I made. The treatment schedule would be every 2 weeks, plus it shortened the session from 6 hours to 1.5 hours. The cherry on top of it all is that the side effects were minimal, if non-existent. I was able to work the next day with not a lot of physical effect, tho a little fatigue would set in.

I kept monitoring my experience with Opdivo as 2017 rolled in as some of these treatment side effects compound over time.


Onc: "Your CEA is getting lower"
Me: "And I have no pain. So far, so good..."


Onc: "Your CEA continues to get lower"
Me: "I made it to 50! Happy Birthday to me!"


Onc: "Your PET scan continues to show improvement in your lungs and hip"
Me: "Holy Crap, no major side effects in three months! I wonder if I can have some wine..."


Onc: "Potential cure?"
Me: "Two Big Macs and supersize those fries..."


Onc: "CEA is less than the minimal measured bracket"
Me: "VEGAS!!! Bartender, I'll have another Old Fashioned..."


Onc: "Time for another PET scan"
Me: "How about a Brain scan?"
Onc: "No need if you don't have any side effects"
Me: "Shot of Jameson and a Zagorka (Bulgarian beer)...


Me: "What's this pain in my hip...?

The July PET scan unfortunately showed that the tumor was starting to spread to the lower half side of my hip, which was causing the pain when I walked. Obviously some major bad news as here I thought I was getting in the clear with Opdivo. But you'll also notice the change in my behavior during the first 6 months of 2017, and needless to say I fucked myself up by not taking care of my food intake. Not that I was prohibited anything, but a measured approach towards food & alcohol intake was, and is, key to helping your body heal.

On the good side of the PET scan, my lungs were clear and it looked like the tumor was gone.

I consulted with the Clinical Trail Oncologist and he agreed with my regular Onc that I should continue with Opdivo treatments for now, but also get a few sessions of radiation on the hip to help with the pain. So in August, 2017 I began my second round at the Radiation dept at the Big Casino. 


Onc: "CEA remains good"
Me: Why does CEA matter if it is good, yet the tumor spread"
Onc: "..."


Onc: "CEA remains stable"
Me: "Stable?"


Onc: "Hmm, CEA has gone up tho not that much. Also, your liver enzymes are reading higher than normal. I'll need to schedule another PET scan"
Me: "Okay..."

And then, on October 18, 2017:

It’s a great big, beautiful, wonderful, incredible, super-spectacular day.And your heart is humming with good times coming and you got that happy feeling things are going your way.All the bells are ringing and a little bird’s singing while he sits on your windowsill.Singing yessiree, I can surely see, it will plainly be, most definitely.A super-spectacular day!


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