Saturday, November 16, 2019

On a Clear Day

This is my favorite rendition of this particular song. Not only is it refreshing, but the upbeat rhythm just raises my spirits. I always put it on when I need a jolt of Bossa Nova to get my groove back.
That being said, here's today's post:


My last blog post was a real Debbie Downer. I didn't mean to fret with my on-goings, but the need to vent was quite palpable. Especially after the latest fiasco pertaining to my diagnosis. The issue that bothers me the most is not necessarily the cancer itself, but in the ongoing erosion of trust in my medical team. Cancer can be quite the art to master in its management, but several times there have been mis-readings which have caused a push back on receiving proper treatment within a timely basis. Since the first day I complained to my Primary Care Physician about a wheezy cough in my lung (September 2015) it's been one missed call after another. First he said it was the flu and then asthma. Four months later I consulted when I had a pain in my hip that he diagnosed as arthritis (the tumor was starting to spread). Then shit got real for both of us when I started coughing up blood. He finally ordered an X-ray in May 2016. A FULL NINE MONTHS from my initial consultation.

Could've used the time better
I've been consulting with this MoFo for 16 years, acing annual physicals every time. And yet he didn't catch any symptom nor medical issue. Or even bother to think proactively and order the x-ray from the get-go. It's a hard pill to swallow when I think about it. Now, figure how I was feeling the past 12 months. Cancer patients put their whole trust in medical professionals and count on every word they utter, yet it is very disconcerting when we realize that they are human and as such, prone to make mistakes. This is a hard concept to accept.

waka-waka-waka! (^Sicko)

But it is what it is and I must continue to play with the hand I was dealt. And in spite of "whatever remaining years" I have left I do need to make them the best that I can. Especially for my wife and two lovely daughters. I can be quite the pain-in-the-ass on a normal day. Imagine when I'm hopped up on steroids and cancer-meds... 

So, I will adjust my little blog to reflect on the cool vibes going on in my life. A testament of sorts, written by a man who wishes to be remembered kindly. I'll sprinkle some fun bio-facts here and there, but do reserve the right to bitch about certain stuff when applicable. 

I'll do my best, promise.
Speaking of a clear day: My latest PET scan showed ongoing healing in the main lung tumor as it continues to decrease in size & activity. The hip bone and other lesions are also showing major healing which pretty much indicates that the Lorbrena is working, but only from the neck down. I still have the issue in my noggin' to deal with, but this is already a huge score! And a huge weight off my shoulders. I'll know more next week when I meet with the UCI Irvine team.

Boy, what a week...

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