Friday, March 20, 2020

Corona Hex

There's a dark comic called "Crossed" that is very violent & disturbing. It deals with a group of survivors dealing with a world-wide pandemic that causes its victims to become feral savages, identified by a crisscross rash that appears on their face. Notwithstanding our current situation, I can't help but think that life is imitating art.

Don't Google it. Really, don't.

It's such a strange time in this world, witnessing the surge of population's fear as they rush out to horde toilet paper & hand sanitizer. Relying on their primitive instinct to survive by all means, I wonder if they are not becoming the feral savages that are outlined in this comic. Oh, not in the gore-fest that presents itself in the panels, but in the panicked way people are responding to Covid-19. 

Majoring in shit, literally.

When I started my first clinical trail (lorlatinib) in 2018 I had to sign a huge waiver that outlined the potential benefits and risks. Most of the side effects were well known, however there was always the chance that a participant could experience a side effect malleable to their body chemistry. That 1%-2% of people that experienced unbearable pain, hallucinations, or a mood swings that has yet to be defined. Add to that the disbelief from your medical team that seem hesitant to acknowledged your report. You wind up wondering if you experienced anything at all which gives me some uncertainty as to how this Corona virus thing will pan out.

Pfizer be a lady tonight!

Just look at how life was impacted dramatically in the past week. The response went from a perceived hoax to a defined pandemic in less than six days, ultimately reaching a tipping point where everyone must be quarantined in their home. Not even God could create the earth that fast (if you believe in this kid of thing), but leave it to humans to destroy it in less time. I read that human trails started this week in the USA, vaccinations given to a group of participants willing to risk their lives. This is a very brave & self-less act where they will venture into a medical unknown in the hopes of discovering a cure. Yet, I fear that in this hasten move to find a treatment we may be lead to a precarious path of uncertainty. Will we be risking our lively hood, health balance, or humanity in total?

Jehova spins tonight

Granted this sounds speculative in many ways. After all, we've surged thru many dangers as a people for millennia. From wars to disease, we've come thru spectacularly as the overlords of planet earth. However, this feels different. And, as someone who has experienced hallucinations and horrible mood swings during previous cancer trails I can't help but think of what side effects may manifest with these hastily Corona vaccinations. Shit, for all we know we'll see a surge in a human crisis as we fearfully deal with this latest pandemic. Just like the "Crossed" plot line, we"ll become feral savages.

Thanks Steve Jobs...

After all, people are fighting over toilet paper. TOILET PAPER...

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