Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Beginning II - January 2016

New year 2016 rolled in very excellent. High on life with two daughters, doing great at Kabam, and the Apple Watch venture seemed to keep blowing up. I had been burning the candle at both ends with no effort, squeezing many creative gigs out with gusto. I was professionally & personally happy. Sure, there were they typical stresses that every person gets, especially one that would be facing the big 5-0 the following year. But I really thought my life was finally cementing into something concrete, where I didn’t have to keep my-self in 4th gear the whole time. Perhaps now I can take Paulina on our honeymoon (we never had one), or lean back and enjoy the spoils… or simply rest.

But how? With two young children there is simply no-way to rest. I would wake up in the morning to a bed where the whole family was sleeping, pushed to the edge with one leg dangling beyond covered with a bath towel. Then the midnight feedings, diaper changes, colicky moments… But there were very rewarding moments too as I gently rocked Vivian Grace during our late night Father-Daughter sleep recitals. Holding her I would imagine how one day we would reminisce about these tender moments while at her own wedding Father-daughter dan…


“Oh fuk, I thought we were done with that…”
“damn, not again…”

Consulted with my PCP about this latest wheezing development and this time I was prescribed an in-haler. Perhaps early states of asthma he said. I tried it, it seemed to of worked.

But then in February 2016 I reached the tender age of 49 and was feeling pretty good, that is until I developed a painful limp in my right leg which I found very odd since I'd been regularly active in spite of working in a field where a person generally sits at a computer. Not thinking much about it I continued to put general stresses on it until one day my hip gave out. I got freaked.

“Now what”?

I kept monitoring that pain aspect on my own until one day I just couldn’t. My PCP, suspecting a sports-type injury (yeah, right) recommended Salonpas Patches, Ibuprophen, and rest.

March 2016… limp/pain got worse. Couldn’t stand for more that 15 minutes. Something is definitely not right…

April 2016… I was finally referred to a Rheumatoid arthritis doctor to determine if this could be the issue. My mother had been suffering from RA for over 40 years, and I just assumed it was my turn to fathom the daily pain associated with this ailment. But all tests came back negative, including an x-ray.

“What do I do now Doc?”
Dr Ress: “Get some rest”


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